
When you place an order, your product will ship within 48 business hours from the date of sale. For example, an order placed on Monday will ship no later than Wednesday. Our standard ground shipping typically arrives between 4-9 business days after your order is shipped. Please note that if an order is placed during a national holiday, there may be a delay in processing your order.


Presently we are able to fulfill orders only in the USA.

Items ship separately and therefore shipping fees are applicable per item.

Please Note: You will most likely need to be available to sign for the delivery of larger items like mobility chairs, scooters or bathroom aids. If after three delivery attempts you have not been available, we will consider the item returned, after which we will deduct the return shipping cost (as stated in our Return Policy) from your refund.


Perfect Sleep Chairs: You can expect your new chair to arrive in approximately 7 -10 days for Threshold or White Glove Delivery. Often, chairs will arrive sooner depending on distance from the factory and shipping & delivery schedules in your local area.

Threshold Delivery

Threshold Delivery is the method by which Deluxe Plus Perfect Sleep Chairs are delivered to you. It includes delivery to your home, in a brown box, ready for you to unpack and assemble in a few easy steps.


White Glove Delivery

White Glove Delivery is the method by which each Perfect Sleep Chair and UPbed is delivered to you. It includes delivery to your home, unpacking the chair or bed for you and placing it in the location you’ve chosen. Finally, all packaging materials will be removed and hauled away for you.

You are responsible for removing any existing furniture that you may be replacing with a Journey product. Additionally, you must have a path cleared and a location available for the delivery crew to place the product.